Wednesday morning in the Sanctuary. This service is led by the Chapelwood Church Children's Ministries Director.

All children in 2 1/2 classes and older

The children learn the basic fundamentals of Christianity through stories, songs, dramatics, puppets, and more.


Music promotes learning and brain development and can boost social and motor skills.

Infant through Pre-K Classes


Music Class at Chapelwood is designed to cultivate a love of music and to compliment and expand the children’s natural ability to express themselves.  Children naturally respond to rhythm and sound and love to imitate and create music. Above all, music is beautiful, energetic and fun!


Through singing, dancing and playing rhythm instruments the children learn to:

  • Respond to rhythmic flow of music
  • Distinguish between loud and soft, fast and slow, high and low
  • Respond to melodic direction
  • Respond to pulse or recurring beat
  • Demonstrate accent or stronger beat in music
Methods – Infants and Toddlers

The infant and toddler classes enjoy familiar songs and finger plays. The repetition of these songs, as well as the introduction of new ones, allows the children to participate by moving and swaying, imitating teacher movements and eventually singing along. Rhythm instruments and puppets are used to hold the children’s attention and expose them to different sounds.

Methods – Preschool Children

The preschool classes sing along to familiar songs, play rhythm instruments, dance, play music games and listen to stories. The older children learn to count and play in rhythm and are exposed to the language of music. Instrument families are explored, and traditional orchestral and band instruments are demonstrated. 

Kids in music class at the Chapelwood School




Motor class is challenging children with entertaining activities that are developmental movement games of perception.


Motor development relates to self-esteem and one's feelings about himself and his/her skills.  A high level of self-esteem for our students is a top priority!  It is a well-known fact that children learn and remember most when they are actively and physically involved in a learning situation.  What this means is that we often learn best by DOING.


Most perceptual motor games follow a rather precise sequence.  Children need practice following this prescribed sequence and trying out all of the steps, not just the ones that they might choose.  Perceptual motor game time is the time when children learn some specific skills in prescribed ways.  At the same time, there are opportunities for imagination and creative expressions.

Basic Six Perceptual Motor Areas
  1. Overall strength and endurance (gross/large and fine/small muscles)
  2. Balance and coordination
  3. Space relations and space judging
  4. Eye movements and eye-hand coordination
  5. Sensory-motor integration:
    1. the ability to receive information (or perceive stimuli) visually, auditorily, tactilely and kinesthetically (internal body and movement awareness)
    2. the ability to integrate (organize, make connections) new with old information
    3. the ability to mobilize an appropriate response, whether expressed in speech or action
  6. Self-awareness and self-confidence in a wide variety of learning situations

Life Skills Learned in Motor Activities
  • Physical - body awareness and control, coordination, kinesthetic awareness, and perserverance
  • Perceptual motor skills - perceiving through the sensory system, motor planning, visual skills, pattern recognition, spatial directions (left, right, up, down) and language awareness
  • Listening skills - awareness to sounds, rhythm, hearing auditory instructions and processing information
  • Thinking skills - attention, concentration, comprehension, decision-making, sequencing, memory, problem solving, mental flexibility, adaptability, generating ideas, imagination, curiosity, and discovery
  • Self-control - increase independence, functioning under stress, patience, willingness to take chances, and develop positive self-image
  • Social growth - interacting with others, sharing, contributing, leading and following, becoming aware of others' similarities and differenc

Motor Day photo from SchoolKids learn about the importance of different kinds of food.


for 3-year-old and pre-k classes

ConcePTs introduced at each age level are as follows:

 3 YEARS -Colors, numbers, and shapes

4 YEARS- Family members, farm animals, clothes, body parts, home, transportation, vegetables and fruits, break fast foods, and two simple phrases:   

  • ¿Como te llamas? What is your name?
  • ¿Como estas? How are you?

OLDER 4 YEARS - Seasons, ABC song, numbers up to twenty, some forest animals and zoo animals, days of the week, months of the year, how to express time, some flower names, and recitation of their own birth date




To introduce children to the joys of planting, tending and harvesting a garden.

  • Actively participate
  • Control their own actions
  • Investigate familiar phenomena
  • Reflect on teacher's open-ended questions
  • Observe the results of their own actions
  • Experience planned and spontanious opportunities
  • Investigate and work individually and in small groups
  • Learn about recycling and composting
  • Explore a variety of concepts from tilling soil to releasing butterflies
  • Have their own knowledge and skills assessed in multiple ways