Sunday Nights


One of the best ways for our students to grow in community & faith is through Life Groups at Chapelwood. These gender and grade-based groups meet weekly during the fall and spring semesters with the exception of holiday and retreat weekends. We encourage everyone to join us for dinner at every Life Group at 5:45 pm, and life group discussion will begin after dinner (6:15 pm). 

Cost of dinner is $10. Please send your student with cash, or purchase a dinner punch card (pay ahead for 10 dinners) here.

Life groups are led by an amazing team of adult leaders! These groups seek to have scripture, prayer, and authentic relationships as their foundation and always welcome new faces.  Topics of study vary depending on the current series. Middle schoolers start their discussion time with a game.

Sunday nights are a more casual setting than Sunday mornings. Please feel free to wear comfy clothes (a lot of our students wear T-shirts & shorts), and friends are always welcome!  

Life Groups do not meet over the summer but will resume Aug 17, but click here for our weekly summer events!

FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE GROUPS or leading a life group, EMAIL Taylor