
What is S.E.A.L? 

S.E.A.L. stands for students embodying active leadership and is the name for our year-round student leadership team.

To put simply, Student Leadership is an invitation for high schoolers into a deeper relationship with Jesus and discipleship. It exists for students who know Jesus and the Gospel, helping them to be like Jesus and doing what he did in practical ways within student ministry.

We at Chapelwood are creating this to challenge and equip students so that they can answer “yes” to the questions: Do I know Jesus? Do I follow Jesus? Do I make disciples for Jesus?

We believe students are not just the church of the future but are leaders of the church of today.

We want them to have an integral part in shaping and influencing the culture of student ministries at Chapelwood. You, as a student, have 100 times more influence on your friends than a stranger does. Now imagine if you help take that influence and, with Jesus, use it to further the Kingdom of God.

We Are:

Empowering and equipping students to join into the life of making disciples.

We See:

This happens through leadership opportunities in which we teach students to lead, love, and serve like Jesus through the modeling and encouragement of our staff and volunteers.

What will Student Leadership do? 

Monthly training sessions include:

One day a month (to be determined by S.E.A.L.).

Spiritual growth and discipleship element.

Leadership growth and teaching aspects, including team analysis, training on leadership philosophy, vision casting, strengths utilization, and team building, communication, leading peers, logistics.

Sunday Morning:

Students will be able to lead all aspects of our Sunday student service. Namely, the worship team, lead the tech team, run a game, pray, and even speak on Sunday.      

Middle School Retreat:

This is one of the biggest opportunities for leadership and culture change.

Students will get to foster community and discipleship to our middle schoolers.

Connect night planning and running:

Student leadership will be planning and running some connect nights throughout the next year.

Additional Events:

Part of student leadership will create new events and opportunities to worship, build community, and serve. They will also serve at confirmation services and other occasions.

Leaders in Faith Traning

LIFT, yes, another acronym, is a way to train mainly younger high school students intentionally. This gives them one intentional semester to grow in their relationship with God, theology, and the concept of Christian leadership. If they sufficiently complete the semester objectives, they will fully join in with SEAL.

How do I join?

We are no longer accepting student leaders for this semester. If you are still interested, click the contact me button down below.

Below is an online application to fill out, and then we will schedule an interview with staff and some adult leaders.

             Click here to apply
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