
Nicole Nehring

Associate Director, Adult Discipleship (Women's Ministry)

Nicole Nehring

Associate Director, Adult Discipleship (Women's Ministry)

Contact Me

Teresa Rossy

Director, Adult Discipleship

Teresa Rossy

Director, Adult Discipleship

P: (713) 354-4407

I invite persons to step into the GROW portion of Chapelwood’s discipleship pathway by participating in a Bible study, small group, retreat or short-term study. I encourage spiritual growth by equipping leaders, writing curriculum and through living and teaching spiritual disciplines and Scriptural principles.

The best part of my job:

The best part of my job is getting to know persons from all of Chapelwood’s communities, ages and stages and inviting them to grow in faith along with me.

Something on my bucket list:

To visit the Holy Land

My favorite summer activity:

Enjoying the Gulf Coast beaches and Texas lakes -- boating, sunbathing, swimming and walking/hiking .

When I grew up I wanted to be:

Anything except a teacher, which is fairly ironic, considering my calling and work teaching the Bible.

If I could trade lives with anyone for a day it would it be:

I’d like to be Diane Sawyer for a day. I have a journalism degree and was once a reporter and I admire the way she interviews people with intelligence and compassion. Plus, she’s got wonderful access to newsmakers.

My favorite movie quote:

“Oh, Doo, you’re just a big ol’ bear.” Loretta Lynn (Sissy Spacek) to Doolittle Lynn (Tommy Lee Jones) in Coal Miner’s Daughter (It’s her spot-on accent and his growl that makes it such a great scene.)

My favorite childhood memory:

I have wonderful memories created while visiting both sets of grandparents in Arkansas for extended periods of time at Christmas and during the summer. There was lots of singing, playing, Vacation Bible Schools and love.

My favorite scripture:

II Peter 1:3: His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

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