
Group Contact: Cameron Cody

Community: Sanctuary

Children's Music at Chapelwood


This group will be a great way for your child to meet other students their age, learn about God through music, and build a community within the church. Your child can expect to not only learn to sing and explore their voice, but work collaboratively with other children to create something beautiful together! 

This year, our rehearsals will be held from 4:00-5:00 PM in the Children’s Basement, with our first rehearsal on Sunday, August 18,2024. There will be games, snacks, and, of course, singing! Every week we will build towards monthly performances. The below dates are when you can expect to watch your child shine during a service!


September 15 during 9:45 A.M. Contemporary Worship

October 27 during 9:45 A.M. Contemporary Worship

December 8 during 11:15 A.M. Traditional Worship

NEW FOR 2024 - The Children’s Choir will perform with our ever-fabulous Chancel Choir during this year’s Carols and Keyboards! Please also mark December 5 and 6 on your calendars.

The "JuBellation" Handbells is directed by Diana Montgomery and is for children in 1st through 12th grades. This group meets in the Handbell Room across from the Choir Room, up the stairs by the main Fellowship Hall entrance, from 11:00 - 11:40 A.M.

This group starts back in August 2024. They will be featured in the 11:15 A.M. Traditional worship services on October 20 and December 15.

For more information email: [email protected]

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11140 Greenbay St.Houston, TX 77024

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