Chapelwood and its members embody grace in numerous ways, including through Chapelwood's ministries and programs. Below is a summary of a few of the ways Chapelwood embodied grace through its ministries in 2023.
Serving Ministries
- Fair Haven Food Pantry:
- 92,000 people fed (27,600 children)
- 500,000+ Pounds of food distributed
- $493,000 given to local ministries
- Over 165 local families provided rental assistance
- $295,000 given to global ministries
- Over 20,000 hours volunteered on Global/National Missions
- 167 students and 57 adults attended Summit (youth mission trip) in Lake Charles, LA
Children, Youth and Family Ministries
- Double the number of infants and toddlers in nursery on Sundays over 2022
- 300+ parents registered for a single Parent Equipping Night – 80% non-members
- 1035 children played Chapelwood sports across 96 teams with 170+ volunteer coaches
- 800+ children enjoyed Trunk or Treat on our Gessner Campus
- 81 sixth grade confirmands
Adult Ministries
- 13 Adult Sunday school classes, 879 participants
- 13 Adult study groups (Women, Men, and mixed groups) 559 participants
- 18 Adult small groups (UWF circles, Aging Parents, Renovare’, Emmaus) 276 participants
- 3 Senior adult day trips (Orange, TX, Brookwood, St. Martin’s Episcopal), 100 participants
- 2 Senior adult multiple day trips (Maine and Natchitoches), 39 participants
- 9 Senior adult luncheons/lunches, 214 participants
- 5 Women’s ministry special events (Grateful Gathering, Women’s Retreat, 2 Girl’s Night Out, 60th UWF anniversary luncheon, M.O.D. Squad), 220 participants
- 2 Men’s ministry special events (Crawfish Boil -- for the whole church co-hosted with student ministry and Fried Food Feast), 152 participants
- 65 registered Circle of Friends participants
Congregational Care
- 213 new members joined
- 81 baptisms
- 440 hospital visits made by Pastoral Care